Monday, May 2, 2011

New Found Life (Sensory Overload Future Outlook 2009)

New Found Life

    Autumn gazed at the display. She couldn't believe her eyes. The thought of it captivated her mind, the very sight seemed to engulf her completely. This defied any explanation—far beyond comprehension. It apprehended her conscience, her thought process, her sense of existence. It shattered her senses, embraced her obsession, and blurred the once distinct line separating reality from the unknown. This was unlike anything ever imagined—the new Mirus 5. “Renovate. Regenerate. Revolutionize.”
    Autumn was different, but in the way that you wish everyone could be. Throughout her high school years, she was passionate about people—rarely stopping to think of herself. At lunchtime, she sat at all the wrong tables. It's not that she belonged there; she was beautiful—a smile like a camera flash, but warming, embracing. Her deep blue eyes sparkled, radiant and pure—a crisp, clear whirlpool drawing you in. But she was so much more. She was gentle, yet outgoing. Confident, but humble. She was real.
    After high school, Autumn enrolled at Texas Christian University. She had hopes of becoming a writer, of watching her words come to life on paper, expressing ideas thought of, journeys taken, choices made. She fit in well there; her closest friends were loyal and caring, like herself. They spent time together, making memories and dreaming of their future. They were close, attached, inseparable.
    Her first semester at TCU came and went, and late December turned the campus into a ghost town, Christmas having reunited families everywhere. This was Autumn's favorite time of the year. The sight of a bright Christmas tree, laced with ribbons and memories, took her breath away. And the snow, so pure—a soft blanket over the hard ground, rejecting all the sharp edges, layering the whole world in an endless sea of continuity. But more than anything, she was captivated by all the happiness. The warmth—family meals and stories. The carols, the messages of hope, of love. As the high speed passenger rail shot through the frigid winter night, she thought of her family. They were her inspiration, her first love—the ones she clung to in the hard times, the few she could never let go of. She laid her seat flat, shut the door of her personal, sound-proof cabin, and drifted off to sleep.
    The next day, the scene was stunning—the whole family gathered together by the dazzling tree, warmed by an electric fireplace, a comfort amidst the Minnesota snow. It was good to be home. She sat there, in a happy daze, reminiscing on her days right here, years ago, by the tree. All the wide eyes, the smiles. Pure joy, manifested on all the faces. She longed for more time here; two weeks were going to pass all too quickly.
   And they did. Before she had a chance to blink, she was back on campus, sitting through the lectures, living the routine life of a student. But she was overjoyed to be among her friends once again. They understood her, trusted her, embraced her with their open, caring attitudes. They began telling stories of each one's Christmas, the travel nightmares, the lovely gifts, the delicious meals. Autumn couldn't stop smiling.
   A few days later, a package arrived from her family. There was a note attached, definitely her dad's handwriting.

Sorry we couldn't give this to you on Christmas.
We were on a long waiting list to get it, but here it is!
The whole family agreed that this would be perfect for
you, becoming a writer and all. Hope you love it!

The Family
    “Renovate. Regenerate. Revolutionize.” The possibilities far surpassed “endless.” Controlled by the mere thought of the user, the Mirus 5 implant defined versatile. There were downloadable programs that could, by releasing chemicals and hormones into the mind and body, make the user feel happy or sad, warm or cold, relaxed or alert, and eliminate unwanted thoughts and memories from the mind. It enabled the consumer to view millions of multimedia collections—movies, pictures, songs, and books—all attainable by simple thought. The multimedia was then viewed by the user, projected onto the walls of their mind. All devices were interconnected, each with their own code in the vast network, further enhancing it's abilities. The user's mind could be made into a personal school—an education bliss—hearing the lesson, seeing the visuals, and answering the questions, all through the thoughts of the mind. The Mirus 5 also held a monetary balance, making buying and selling quick and simple, and could diagnose potential health problems. And that was just the genesis. One page in a library. A single drop of water in an ocean of possibilities.
    New apps and updates to the device were added daily, this new craze sweeping through the developed world. Each new addition was like a tree in a forest, a hair on a head, a grain of sand in a thirsty desert. The Mirus 5 was not only the must-have of 2036, but the foundational crux of the future. This was the last advancement—the final frontier. This device dealt the knockout blow to previous “cutting-edge” technologies.
    Autumn's life was immediately transformed. She always had something to do; every day was a new adventure, a unique path. Her schedule changed, now taking college courses through her thoughts. For her, paper currency was no longer needed, nor were libraries, theaters, or schools. She was the butterfly, possessing talents and abilities never dreamed of by the caterpillar—her old, less sophisticated self. Life was simple, peaceful, and good—for a while.
    But these changes led to more changes. As time passed, Autumn became increasingly enveloped in her new wonder. Day by day, she spent more and more of her time exploring it's endless potentials, bypassing some, digging deeper into others. There were some drawbacks, however. The vivid pictures, the crystal-clear sound, seemed to cloud her memory. Her eyes were becoming more and more obsolete, her vision itself taking backseat to her thoughts. She often felt tense, strained like an over-inflated balloon. Restlessness and anxiety were prevalent most nights, and clear thoughts turned muddy as pressure amplified. It was as though her mind was a cup, and the cup was overflowing. A small part of her, deep inside, wanted her to forget. To clear her head—to unweave her tangled mind. But there was no turning back—how could she abandon this intoxicating device which had so evolved, so transfigured every corner of her life? The tides of good far outweighed the glimmers of bad. It was an addiction, but it was more than that. It was her life. Her love. Her best friend.
    Days gave way to months, and months to years. Time fell like October leaves—years, like the spring rain. Only the rain never ceased, the sun never shined, and flowers never bloomed. Life blazed down it's winding road, it's foot sleeping on the gas. The Mirus 5 became her mind's crutch, demanding full attention. Her friends forgot her, and family overlooked her. Her obsession with the implant had corroded her mind—years of constant barrage had left her entire ability to reason in disarray. Confusion penetrated her thoughts, and her memory was fully depleted. The stress—the anxiety was excruciating, and clear thinking was virtually impossible. Still, it was her lifeblood—her confidant. The only truth—her only trust. It was the knife in her back, yet the healing physician. Her worst nightmare, and somehow, her greatest dream. Her biggest downfall, yet her highest glory.
    Nothing lasts forever. Grand as the Mirus 5 was, even it could not overcome the power of death. With the deterioration of her mind came the gradual descent of her body. Her blue eyes no longer shined. The power and energy of her youth had given way to frailty and wear. The candle of her life was now being snuffed out, cut short due to overuse. As her mind was now approaching complete exhaustion, no longer able to support it's own body's life functions, Autumn spent her last moments reflecting on her life. Any waves of regret evaporated amidst the shining light of the Mirus 5. It was the core of her life, her very soul. Without it, she had never lived. It defined her every action—the source of her every choice. She gazed at the display one last time. As her mind shut down, slain by it's savior, Autumn knew as sure as ever, that this was the life she'd always wanted.

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